Case Studies

Economic Impact Baseline for Creative Industries

The Challenge

Building on studies Deetken completed of the music and sound recording sectors, Deetken was engaged by Creative BC, an independent non-profit society, to create a repeatable method for quantifying the economic impact of the creative sectors in B.C. 

The need for an economic baseline was expedited by the COVID-19 crisis, which negatively impacted many creative industries and was seen as critical to inform recovery planning efforts.

Photo of music concert

Our Approach

Deetken first conducted careful evaluation of the scope of cultural industries Creative BC serves and how they map to the Provincial and Territorial Cultural Indicators (PTCI) as well as the NAICS, and IOIC classification systems, two different frameworks used to categorize industries and economic activities. We then created an API to help automate these new dataset downloads.

We conducted extensive interviews with industry insiders and Statistics Canada statisticians and to assess exactly what different datasets and variables were necessary to measure and integrate. 

We used input-output multipliers to measure the direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts of the creative sectors in B.C. in terms of GDP, output and jobs. We then used statistical techniques to estimate economic impacts for “gap years” and developed a methodology to avoid double counting.


Developed CIERA™ (Creative Industries Economic Results Assessment), a framework for producing annual estimates of the economic impact of B.C.’s creative industries, as well as top-sheet economic results; detailed and robust methodology; Tableau dashboard visualization; and training on the CIERA tool and methodologies.

While originally built for B.C., CIERA™ is adaptable to measure the economic impact of the creative sector in other Canadian provinces and territories and has already been adopted by other organizations for this purpose.


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