Industry Expertise

Sector Expertise


Our sector knowledge spans a wide range of industries from government and public sector to healthcare, energy & natural resources to social services. See how our industry-specific insights and services can help illuminate your path forward.

Government & Public Sector

Deetken has been serving Canadian federal, provincial and municipal governments and agencies for more than 20 years. Many of our team members are former government staffers. We share our clients’ commitment to improving the lives of people all across the country and are ready to partner with you to deliver solutions that matter.


Healthcare organizations, including the public health sector, are under tremendous pressure from the rising cost of health services to a growing shortage of clinicians and other skilled workers. Deetken is helping healthcare organizations generate data-driven insights into these challenges as well as innovative solutions that can help clinicians spend more of their time with patients and less time on administrative tasks.

Energy & Natural Resources

Deetken has been providing financial and economic analysis, modelling and negotiation support to the energy and natural resources sector for more than a decade. Our in-house skillset and breadth of experience has been leveraged by governments, industry groups and companies to help resolve complex issues in the renewable and conventional energy markets, including oil and gas, solar power, hydroelectric energy, greenhouse gas/carbon capture, marine fuel, and gas and diesel.

Social Services

Canada’s social sector, like other public sectors, is facing unprecedented challenges. The increasing and evolving complexity of needs for social services is challenging existing service delivery models. Deetken is working with multiple provincial social service ministries and agencies to overcome these challenges, as well as to design solutions that support new paradigms such as universal childcare and Indigenous jurisdiction.

  • “The (Deetken) team is professional, knowledgeable and highly adaptable to fast-changing prioritization. Personal interactions, a high-value price point and engagement with stakeholders rounded out an overall first-class experience.”

    Senior Official, Provincial Ministry

  • “We deeply appreciate Deetken’s level of responsiveness and flexibility, how remarkably quickly the Deetken team got up to speed on the details as well as the big picture of our work – this gave me so much confidence and is worth its weight in gold!”

    Senior Official, Provincial Ministry

  • “… please extend our appreciation and compliments to the (Deetken) team that worked with you on the review and report compilation – it is hands down one of, if not the, best consulting engagements we have commissioned.”

    vice president, provincial health authority

Our Work

Case Studies

Child care worker and children

Creating an operational funding model for universal child care

Case Study

Financial & economic modelling and negotiation support for major energy infrastructure projects

CASe Study
Our Work

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