Case Studies

Economic Impact Analysis of Community Housing

The Challenge

A provincially-funded public housing authority was seeking to reduce community opposition to planned community housing projects across the province and increase housing equity for marginalized groups, such as Indigenous and racialized groups. 

The organization engaged Deetken to estimate the positive economic impact of the planned community housing projects in terms of jobs, income, upstream activity and other human capital benefits, and to create a public-facing report.

Our Approach

Deetken evaluated nine different community housing projects across the province and
conducted a detailed analysis of the economic impact of the construction and operation of the facilities using an input-output methodology. 

We also conducted a survey and informational interviews with diverse community representatives, including Indigenous groups, to capture the economic and social benefits of having more stable housing and employment income, and estimated the corresponding income and related gains. 

Our stakeholder engagements prioritized inclusivity and cultural sensitivity; we ensured that our questions and methodology were trauma-informed, acknowledging potential bias, colonial influence, and power differentials in engagement.


The outcome of this project was a detailed public report showcasing the economic benefits of social housing given the construction investments, operating expenditures and improved employability of residents.

The economic model Deetken created for this project can be easily configured to estimate the economic impact of any large-scale construction project. 


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