The world’s demand for lower carbon energy is increasing, particularly in Asia. North American producers are uniquely positioned to help meet these needs. The continent has a significant supply of natural gas, one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels. This is enough to meet the energy needs of Canadian and Asian markets for the next 150 years or more.

A great deal of analysis, planning and negotiation is required to help producers benefit from these enormous supplies, while also ensuring that the environment and the communities impacted by natural gas activities are protected.

Deetken has played a role in reaching these multiple objectives: we have served as support to the lead negotiator in 10 separate negotiations on issues ranging from project financing, taxation, carbon emissions, electricity supply and pricing, to First Nations settlements and Project Development Agreements.  Each of these projects have been valued in the billions of dollars.

We have leveraged our diverse skill set to liaise with bankers, governments, legal counsel, subject-matter experts, and other external consultants; provide mentoring and training around negotiating deal structure for select proponent meetings; and develop an approach that meets strategic goals and realizes business based outcomes for all stakeholders.

Our support is on-going. We hope it makes a modest contribution to bringing the benefits of natural gas to the global community while we continue to fulfil our environmental and social commitments.

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