Case Studies

Business Services Review and Workforce Planning 

The Challenge

A municipal government was seeking to improve the ability of one of its largest business units to better meet an ever increasing demand for its services. 

Deetken was engaged to conduct a business services review of the business unit, including around its organizational structure and policies, processes, resources and capabilities and systems, and to develop strategies and an action plan based on this review.

Our Approach

As part of the business services review, Deetken conducted a current state analysis of the current organizational design of the business unit and its main internal and external workload drivers. 

Our analysis included a review of information provided by the City, such as data around over-time and council requests, and interviews with over 65 stakeholders, as well as a best practice review related to service level agreements, over-time and hours worked across comparable organizations and jurisdictions.


Based on the success of the business services review, Deetken was re-engaged to conduct a workforce planning exercise for the business unit, including the development of a 3-year Action Plan for implementing workforce strategies. 


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