Many of our clients provide critical services to British Columbia’s most vulnerable populations. As our clients strive to improve by providing better services, more efficiently and to all who need them they often require support and advice in transitioning from a current state service design to a future vision. 

The Deetken Insight team helps our clients make informed decisions around high-stakes service delivery investments and transitions. We begin by developing a detailed understanding of the client’s context and service delivery model – policy, practice, processes and resources so we can be an active and deeply informed advisor. We then diagnose the challenges around policy, service delivery and resources before exploring opportunities for improvement. In some cases, our clients have already shaped a future vision, and in other cases we help our clients diagnose and uncover strategic options. At all times, our goal is to help our clients understand the financial investment, resourcing and risk required to achieve their intended objectives. 

We have used our skills to support changes to models of healthcare and childcare delivery, as well as improvements to wrap-around and longer-term protection and support services for populations in need. Having worked across multiple social sectors, we also understand the cross-sector implications and dependencies surrounding health and youth transition supports, specialized housing, childcare, and children and youth with support needs, among many examples. 

Across many of these projects, we have provided service delivery review and evaluation, as well as expert-level modelling and simulation, often focusing on transitioning to a future state of service delivery. We have specialized skills in:

  • Applying a structured yet nimble approach to identifying sources of opportunity, which could include service mapping, baseline analyses and/or workload analysis 
  • Working with diverse cross-functional and cross-organizational teams to conduct analysis, engage stakeholders, explore changes to policy, service delivery and resourcing
  • Succinctly communicating complex findings and highlighting the key strategic levers impacting client outcomes, service delivery measures, costs and risks
  • Designing funding models that achieve desired outcomes and meet other strategic considerations, such as transparency, simplicity and accountability
  • Constructing robust analyses/models that crisply highlight the impacts of key strategies on client outcomes, service levels, staffing and risks
  • Facilitating executive and management teams to consider program/service design, policy and staffing decisions 

For more about our work, contact us at

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