In today’s world, when our IT is not working as well as it should, our company can’t perform at its best. But when it’s doing its job, IT can be a key enabler, helping our company and our employees reach full potential. Yet, as critical as the technology is itself, it is the people providing support to its users that are the true “makers or breakers” of the IT experience. That is why it’s so important to be able to evaluate and report on the performance of our IT service providers.

Deetken was asked by a major BC Public Sector entity to design tools for evaluating the performance of its IT division. We worked with senior decision-makers to design a strategic performance management framework, which included key drivers such as business value, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and risk. The framework was used to define a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track and evaluate on-going performance and improvements resulting from transformation initiatives. Deetken drew upon our facilitation and consultation capacities to run workshops and information sessions with stakeholders at all levels of the organization in order to build buy-in and, ultimately, ownership of the performance approach.

Developing metrics that “stand the test of time” is difficult in IT due to the high rate of change in technology and service delivery. We developed a mitigation strategy that ensured all metrics selected did not rely on the current technology stack & service delivery model. Following from this, the same framework was applied to develop department-level metrics to provide better line of sight between day-to-day actions and divisional strategic priorities.

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