Our expertise

Strategy & Transformation


“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” – Alan Lakein

Deetken helps organizations prepare for and build their future. We do this by building a flexible framework for decision-making, a nimble strategy that can accommodate changing conditions while remaining true to a strategic vision and objectives. We first invest to deeply understand our client’s context. We pride ourselves on being able to distill the complexities in which our clients operate. We then help our clients make connections between vast amounts of information – data, research, stakeholder interests and trends – to discover novel ways of improving outcomes for their public, staff and stakeholders. We can offer insights into core objectives, strategies, service delivery models, staffing considerations and technology potential. We are skilled at supporting our clients to implement their transformation projects and ensuring the essence of their strategy is preserved and desired outcomes achieved.

Service Offerings

Strategic & Business Planning

Deetken employs a holistic approach to strategy development that is focused on developing a comprehensive understanding of a client’s organizational, historical, legal, political or other context and then making connections that reveal new ways of working and improved outcomes for our client’s stakeholders. We often leverage our expertise in strategy development, organizational and operational models and technology to surface new opportunities. Our goal is to develop a nimble strategy that can accommodate changing conditions while achieving our client’s vision and desired objectives. 

Financial Analysis & Modelling

Deetken has supported the strategic investment, policy and operational decisions of many public and private sector organizations through the creation and deployment of industry-specific, highly flexible financial and business case models. Our models provide our clients with insights that can help them quantify risk, understand the sensitivity of plans, programs and investments, and to support strategic decision making.

Business Design, Optimization & Transformation

We pair creative problem solving and rigorous evaluation to identify novel yet pragmatic operating models and business processes that improve efficiencies, service delivery and risk management. We can evaluate key business processes, financial and pricing models, key enablers, and cost-benefit analyses in order to ensure the sustainability of the operational models developed.

Organizational / Operational Reviews

We conduct comprehensive reviews of organizations, programs and service delivery models to uncover sources of opportunity for efficiency, quality, financial and strategic improvement. Our reviews typically involve an assessment of the current state and the identification of options and recommendations for enhancing organizational or operational effectiveness, as well as a roadmap and plan for implementation.

Stakeholder Analysis & Engagement

Deetken has decades of experience designing and implementing stakeholder engagement plans that ensure all voices are heard and considered in a decision-making process. Depending on the requirement, we can design and implement online and telephone surveys, facilitate in-person and virtual workshops, and lead focus groups, town halls, roadshows and other public presentations to diverse audiences.

Governance & Performance Management

We are skilled at designing and implementing governance structures, often as part of the transformation and change management initiatives we are driving. We take a strategic approach to the development of key performance indicators (KPIs) and performance management systems, considering key business drivers and available information to ensure that indicators incentivize desired outcomes.

Policy Analysis & Development

We are skilled at examining, evaluating and supporting the development of public policies that address important social issues, achieve specific goals and guide decision-making. Our policy planning and development approach is guided by “systems thinking,” business acumen and a rigorous cost-benefit analysis of various policy approaches and associated risks.

AI Consulting

Deetken has partnered with Cypress AI, a Los Angeles based pioneer in artificial intelligence technologies, to provide expert guidance to organizations that are seeking to harness the power of AI to increase efficiency, innovate and grow. Our AI consulting services support public and private sector organizations across their entire AI journey from an initial AI readiness assessment to strategy and roadmap development, implementation support, training and change management, AI ethics and policy development and ongoing monitoring and optimization.



 “We deeply appreciate Deetken’s level of responsiveness and flexibility, how remarkably quickly the Deetken team got up to speed on the details as well as the big picture of our work – this gave me so much confidence and is worth its weight in gold!”

Senior Official, Provincial Ministry

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